Terms of Use

Trendbox Terms of Use

Last Updated: 08/11/2024

Dear visitor, please read this terms of use agreement carefully before visiting our website at https://trendbox.io. Your access to the site is entirely dependent on your acceptance of this agreement and compliance with the terms set forth in this agreement. If you do not accept any of the terms written in this agreement, please terminate your access to the site. If you continue to access the site, please note that it will be assumed that you unconditionally and without restriction accept the entire text of this agreement.

The https://trendbox.io website is managed by TrendBox and will hereafter be referred to as the SITE. The Terms of Use for this site take effect upon publication. The right to make changes is solely reserved to the SITE, and all users are deemed to have accepted these changes in advance, which will be updated and shared on the SITE.


Privacy is available on a separate page to regulate the principles of processing your personal data by us. If you use the SITE, you agree that this data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy.

Scope of Service

As TrendBox, we are entirely free to determine the scope and nature of the services we will offer within the framework of the law, and any changes we make to the services will be deemed to have come into effect upon their publication on the SITE.


All text, code, graphics, logos, images, sound files, and software published on the SITE (hereinafter and later referred to as “content”) are owned by TrendBox, and all rights are reserved. Reproducing or copying the site content without written permission is strictly prohibited.

General Provisions
  • All users undertake to use the SITE only for lawful and personal purposes and not to engage in any activity that would infringe upon the rights of third parties. Legal and criminal responsibilities for actions and transactions carried out within the SITE belong solely to them. The SITE has no direct and/or indirect liability for any damages that third parties may incur or may suffer due to these actions and transactions.
  • We do our best to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information available on the SITE. However, despite our efforts, this information may lag behind actual changes, and there may be differences. Therefore, we do not provide any guarantees, explicit or implied, regarding the accuracy and currency of the information contained within the site.
  • The SITE may contain links (hyperlinks) to other websites, applications, and platforms operated by third parties and whose content is unknown to us. The SITE only provides functionality to access these sites and does not accept any responsibility for their content.
  • Although we do our best to keep the SITE free of viruses, we do not guarantee that viruses are entirely absent. Therefore, it is the user’s responsibility to take necessary precautions against viruses when downloading data. We do not accept liability for any damages that may be caused by viruses or other malicious programs, codes, or materials.
  • We do not guarantee that the services offered on the SITE will be free of defects or errors or that uninterrupted service will be provided. We may terminate your access to the SITE and its services or any part thereof at any time without prior notice.
Limitation of Liability

Our liability for damages arising from the use of the SITE is limited to intent and gross negligence. In the case of damages arising from breach of contract, the total compensation that may be claimed is limited to foreseeable damages. The above-mentioned limitations of liability do not apply in cases of damage to human life, bodily injury, or health. In all cases deemed force majeure by law, we will not be liable for any compensation due to delay, non-performance, or default.

Dispute Resolution: In the resolution of any disputes arising from the implementation or interpretation of this Agreement, the laws of the Republic of Turkey shall apply; the Istanbul Courthouse Courts and Enforcement Offices shall have jurisdiction.